Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Moody Weather Nature

Moody Weather
DECEMBER 1, 2011

It is hot one day and cold the next. Why should this come as a surprise?

It does not. It has been this way the entire 44 years of my life. The South is not alone in this moody weather business. Still, everyone moans and groans about it anyway. What is this, our propensity to talk about the weather I wonder? It is our ‘go to’ topic I suppose? It is always there, ready and open for comment without back-talk.

Come to think, weather reminds me of a few people I know. They can be hot one day and a hard freeze the next. Storming one day then calm the next.

Nature, human or otherwise, it does what it wants to do no matter my opinion, and I am happy to admit lack of control, even more thrilled I have none. Perhaps all I can do is layer my jackets and cherish what I can control (not much if anything).

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